Fear Free
Fear Free™ Medicine – Making Vet Visits Easier
What do we mean when we say that our veterinary visits are Fear Free? Our team members at Gladstone Veterinary Clinic are Fear-Free Certified, and we work hard to make vet visits easier for your furry family members. Everything we do, every decision we make is focused on what will make our patients comfortable and calm. This starts with steps to make the trip in to see us less stressful, for both you and your pet. We also use calming techniques in the lobby and the exam room, and low-stress handling for your pets to help reduce fear, anxiety, and stress during their entire visit. Our goal is to make our patients comfortable, even if that takes a little extra time and patience. We are happy to accommodate special requests–just ask!
What does Fear Free™ mean for you and your pet?
- The waiting game is over. Our waiting area has separate areas to be able to give our patients space to reduce stress. You also have the option of waiting in your car with your pet until you are texted or called to come in. We also have a side entrance for patients who need a little more space.
- No more sitting on slick, cold surfaces. We offer nonslip surfaces for your pet to stand or lay on, such as yoga mats or pheromone-infused towels.
- Relaxation rules. We use pheromone-infused bandanas and towels to help calm our patients. These pheromones send comforting messages help provide a strong signal of security to help your pet feel comfortable and confident, which can help your pet relax and relieve stress and anxiety that some pets associate with vet visits or travel.
- Eye contact is for you, not your pet. Fear Free Certified veterinary team members will initially avoid eye contact with your pet and focus on you, instead. This helps your pet feel less stressed because he’s not the center of attention and it gives him times to check out his environment and become accustomed to the team member’s presence.
- Got treats? Bring your dog or cat in a bit hungry because we will be handing out many small but delicious treats throughout the visit to welcome your pet, distract her from procedures, and reward her for cooperation. (In some cases when patients must be fasted, we aren’t able to do this, so we supply a heaping amount of snuggles and scratches instead.)
- Bring on the toys, ear rubs, and rump scratches! In addition to treats, we use a variety of fun distraction techniques to help your pet be comfortable.
- “The back” is out. Whenever possible, we perform exams and procedures right in the exam room so your pet will be reassured by your presence and you can assist as needed. Even if we need to step away for better lighting or space, be assured that your pet will always be treated kindly and respectfully. We’d never do it any other way.
- A little extra help? If needed, we will prescribe anti-anxiety or other calming medications or supplements to help make the car ride and the vet visit more enjoyable and less frightening for your pet.
- Emotional rescue. Our team members will note your pet’s emotional response to the visit and what treats and techniques worked best to reduce any fear, anxiety, and stress that they may have been feeling. This will help to make future visits even better.
Fear Free™ visits start before your vet visit.
Here are some things you can do at home to get your pet ready for their appointment:
Here are some tips that will help after your pet's vet visit:
Here are some things you can do at home to get your pet ready for their appointment:
Additional Resources
Cat Friendly Homes https://catfriendly.com/be-a-cat-friendly-caregiver/getting-cat-veterinarian/
Fear Free Happy Homes https://fearfreehappyhomes.com/
We’ll be here when your best friend needs us most.
Our Pets are Family
Gladstone Veterinary Clinic is proud to offer a comprehensive range of services to address your pet’s specific veterinary needs, whether your best friend is a dog, cat, iguana, or a chinchilla. We treat each patient as an individual. We take the time needed to listen to your concerns, carefully examine each patient completely, and partner with you to develop a health care plan that your best friend deserves.
We're AAHA Accredited!
Not all animal hospitals are accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association. In fact, only 12% of animal hospitals in the United States and Canada are accredited. What does our accreditation mean? It means that your pet is receiving excellent care at a hospital that meets the highest standards in veterinary medicine…because your best friend deserves nothing less.
We Love Our Clients
We value our clients at Gladstone Veterinary Clinic. We are open extended hours on Mondays and Tuesdays, and all day on Saturdays for your convenience. We do our best to see our patients as same-day urgent and emergency cases, so you and your best friend continue to see familiar and trusted faces. At Gladstone Veterinary Clinic, we truly love what we do. This is not just a job—this is our passion and a way of life for us.
Ready to make an appointment?
Our contact information is below! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Contact Gladstone Veterinary Clinic today!

Our Address

Current Hours
Monday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday: 7:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed